If the water in your Monk is not cooling down, please ensure Monk is turned on and follow the steps below:
Step 1: Check the location. Please ensure that your Monk is located with at least 30cm of clear space around it for ventilation. Please view the quick start guide for full details.
Step 2: Check the temperature of the room. Monk’s operating temperatures are 0°C to 40°C. However, in a room over 25°C, Monk will cool less efficiently and may not reach lower temperatures.
Step 3: Ensure the “set point” temperature is as you expect. The temperature is set via the control panel. The set point is your desired temperature, and it’s controlled using the up and down arrow buttons on the control panel.
Press the arrow buttons to choose your desired ‘set point’ temperature. The control panel will display the set point temperature for 5 seconds, before reverting back to the current temperature. Ensure the set point is lower than the current temperature to trigger Monk to cool.
Blue lines will indicate that Monk’s cooling to reach the set point, and orange lines will indicate that it’s heating to reach the set point. Each line represents two degrees.
If you have followed the above steps and your Monk still wont turn on, please contact support@discovermonk.com
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